
Hi, I’m Brian! I’m an engineer and recent graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in mechanical engineering and robotics engineering. I graduated with High Disctinction, which requires consistent academic excellence and a dedication to learning. WPI’s greatest strength is its project-based education, which truly allows the union of theory and practice in engineering. Check out a showcase of some of my school projects here!

I’ve been passionate about creating and tinkering from a young age and in my free time, I enjoy working on projects that stimulate learning and exercise my broad range of skills. I love almost everything about robots! I participated in FIRST Robotics high school and continued my studies in this multi-disciplinary field during my time at WPI. I made this site to serve as a way to document my journey along all of my different personal projects and provide a portfolio of my many skills.

One of my skillsets that have evolved from my hobbies is additive manufacturing. I purchased a 3D printer several years ago after a month of research, and it has been one of my most valuable investments. Besides the obvious tangibles that came with having a 3D printer, I have put in hundreds (maybe “thousands” now?) of hours learning, troubleshooting, and experimenting with the ins-and-outs of my printer and other commerical-grade and hobby-grade printers. With that, I am well experienced in Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing and a huge proponent of iterative design. I would love to learn more on more advanced methodologies, like SLS, SLA, or DMLS.

Some of my other skills include:

  • Computer and microprocessor programming (Java, C, C++, Arduino, Python, Javascript, MATLAB, ROS)
    • Object-oriented
    • Embedded programming
    • Full-stack application development
  • Agile/Scrum project development workflow
  • Computer-aided design (CAD) with Autodesk Inventor and Solidworks
    • Geometric Dimnensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T)
    • Design for Manufacturability (DFM)
  • Soldering, wiring, and basic PCB design
  • Workshop tools and equipment
  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining
  • DJing

Once I’ve set my mind on a project, I typically learn whatever necessary to reach my end goal, which is why I’ve been able to pick up a broad range of knowlege and skill. I’ve found that collaboration and communication on multi-disciplinary teams is way more effective when everyone takes the time to gain at least a basic understanding in the work that other peers are doing.

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