School Project Highlights

Hi! I’m an engineer and recent graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a B.S. in mechanical engineering and robotics engineering. I graduated with High Disctinction, which requires consistent academic excellence and a dedication to learning. WPI’s greatest strength is its project-based education, which truly allows the union of theory and practice in engineering. While this site was primarily created to showcase and document my personal projects and skills, I felt that it would only be appropriate that I also highlight some of the work that I’ve accomplished in my project-based college curriculum.

Here is a quick list at a glance. For reference, these are all final projects. “RBE” stands for robotics engineering classes, and “CS” are computer science classes.


Full-Stack Hospital Management Application (CS 3733)

Project objectives: Create a full-stack application for Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston to assist hospital employees and administrators with day-to-day tasks. This application should be able to handle a range of service requests (e.g., medicine delivery, patient transport, equipment tracking, etc.), including their creation, delegation, and management. Further, the...

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Autonomous Roofing Robot (RBE 2001)

Project objectives: Design, build, and program a robot that would manipulate small square plates made of plastic with defined weights. The manipulations involved picking up these plates from a platform, lifting them, and placing/removing them on/from an elevated structure - resemblant to the angled roof of a house. The robot...

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Autonomous Parkour Robot (RBE 2002)

Project objectives: Program a robot to autonomously navigate an “obstacle course” consisting of a small ramp tucked into a corner of a room while balancing an object such as a water bottle or cup atop the robot. This project differed from the previous course as it focused more on software...

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Autonomous Robotic Ball-Sorter (RBE 3001)

Project objectives: Understand and control a 3-DOF robotic arm to manipulate colored balls. The final outcome was to be a pick and place system for four distictly colored balls using computer vision and principles of robotics learned in this course, such as: forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, velocity kinematics, and...

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Autonomous Pathfinding Robot (RBE 3002)

Project objectives: Using the TurtleBot3 robotics platform, explore and map an unknown environment. The robot should be able to localize itself in the world, drive around the environment without hitting obstacles, expand areas of interest on the map, know when the map is complete, and find an optimal path...

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Symbiotic Multi Agent Construction 3.0 (Senior Capstone)

Swarm robotic solutions have the potential to solve many of the dangers and issues current construction practices have today. By having many robots working on a single project, construction can be completed in a fast and efficient manner. The overall intent for this project is to design a versatile robotic...

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